I just helped a co-worker regarding this particular task where she wants to switch her network interface from manual static IP to automatic IP by dhcp in a linux client using command line since it does not have x desktop so I quickly wrote following script
you can find your interface name quickly by executing nmcli dev status at the terminal
requires passing by one argument which is your network interface name.
!/bin/bash nmcli con mod $1 ipv4.method auto nmcli con mod $1 ipv4.gateway "" nmcli con mod $1 ipv4.address "" nmcli con down $1 nmcli con up $1 dhclient $1
switchStaticToDHCP.sh Your_Network_Interface_Name
eg: bash switchStaticToDHCP.sh enp0s3
requires passing by 3 arguments – your network interface name, static ip address, & default gateway ip address.
!/bin/bash nmcli con mod $1 ipv4.method manual nmcli con mod $1 ipv4.addresses $2/24 nmcli con mod $1 ipv4.gateway $3 nmcli con down $1 nmcli con up $1
swtichDHCPToStatic.sh Your_Network_Interface_Name IP_Address Default_Gateway
eg: bash switchDHCPToStatic.sh enp0s3