Spanish – Manners Continue

con permiso(kohn pehr-mee-soh) = Pardon/Excuse me (with permission)

So these words below mean “Excuse me/Pardon/I’m Sorry” but they are used in different context:

  • Disculpe – used when getting somone’s attention (Ex: cashier, a waiter, etc.)
  • Perdon – used then apologizing for small things (Ex: bumping into someone)
  • Lo siento – a solid “I am sorry”. Can be interchangeable with perdon.
  • Con permiso (with permission) – used when interrupting someone.

Prueba (prweh-bah) = Quiz = Test

  1. You are walking in a store and accidentally nudge someone as you pass by, you say […]
  2. You are sitting in a restaurant and want some more water and you ned to call over the waiter, you say […]
  3. You are having a conversion wtih someone and want to interject, you say […]
  4. You are hungry and you eat your roommate’s last homemade cookie, not knowing that she was saving it, you say […]

Solución(soh-loo-syohn) = solution = answer

  1. Pardon
  2. Disculpe
  3. Con permiso
  4. Lo siento

café(kah-feh) = coffee

agua(ah-gwah) = water

cerveza(sehr-beh-sah) = beer

Me pone …? (Meh poh-nehr) = Can you bring me …? = Can I have …?

Me pone un café? = Can you bring me cafe? or Can I have a cofee?

Me pone un agua? = Can you bring me water? or Can I have a water?

Me pone una cerverza? = Can you bring me beer? or Can I have a beer?

Me pone una cerveza, por favor? = Can I have a beer, please?

Resumen (rreh-soo-mehn) = Review

  • Por favor = Please
  • [Muchas] gracias = Thank you [very much]
  • De nada = you’re welcome (it is nothing)
  • Lo siento = I am sorry
  • Disculpe = Execuse me
  • Perdon = Execuse me ~ I am sorry
  • Con permiso = Excuse me (with permission)
  • Agua = Water
  • Café = Coffee
  • Me pone …? = Can I have …? = Can you bring me …?

Spanish – Manners

modales(moh-dah-lehs) = manners

por favor(pohr fah-bohr) = please

[Muchas] Gracisas (moo-chahs grah-syahs) = Thank you [very much]

de nada(deh nah-dah) = You’re welcome

lo siento(loh syehn-toh) = I am sorry

disculpe(dees-kool-peh) = I am sorry = Execuse me

perdón(pehr-dohn) = = I am sorry = Execuse me

Spanish – Greeting continue

adiós – ‘ah-dyohs’ = Good bye

hasta luego – ‘ahs-tah lweh-goh’ = See you later


Hola = Hello

Soy [nombre] = I am [name]

Me llamo [nombre] = My name is [name]

Como te llamas? = What is your name?

Mucho gusto = Nice to meet you

Bueno dias = Good morning

Buenas tardes = Good afternoon

Buenas noches = Good evening/Good night

Como estas? = How are you?

Estoy [muy] bien = I am [very] well

y tu? = And you? And yourself?

Adios = Good bye

Hasta luego = See you later


A: Hola

B: Hola

A: Me llamo Vic. Como te llamas?

B: Me llamo Hellene. Mucho gusto

A: Mucho gusto. Como estas?

B: Estoy bien, y tu?

A: Estoy bien.

B: Hasta luego

A: Adios

Felicidades! – ‘feh-lee-see-dah-dehs’ = Congratulation!

We concluded the Greeting lesson.

Spanish – Greeting continue

Buenos días – ‘bweh-nohs dee-ahs’ = Good morning.

Buenas tardes – ‘bweh-nahs tahr-dehs’ = Good afternoon.

Did you notice Buenos and Buenas?

due to dias is a masculine so that is why the ‘O’, Buenos whereas tardes is a faminine that is why the ‘A’, Buenas.

Buenas noches – ‘bweh-nahs noh-chehs’ = Good evening or Good night.

¿Cómo estás? – ‘koh-moh ehs-tahs’ = How are you?

Estoy [muy] bien – ‘ehs-toy [mwee] byehn’ = I am [very] well.

¿Y tú? – ‘ee too’ = And you? or And yourself?

Práctica – Practice

A: Hola, buenas tardes! (Hello, good afternoon!)

B: Hola, buenas tardes! (Hello, good afternoon!)

A: ¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)

B: Estoy bien, ¿Y tú? (I am fine. And you?)

A: Estoy muy bien. Gracias! (I am very well. Thank you!)

Ok before we end this session today let’s have a quiz from last session here:

Spanish – Greeting

Hola – “ola” where H is alwasys silent. It means Hello.

Nombre – “Nombrei”. It means Name

Soy [Nombre] = I am [Name]. Ex: Soy Vic = I am Vic. (less common in greeting)

Me llamo [Nombre] = My name is [Name]. Ex: Me llamo Vic = My name is Vic (more common/formal greeting than Soy). Note that e in Spanish is always pronounced as ei and ll is pronounced as Y so it is actually sounded like Mei yamo Vic.

¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name? where ¿Cómo means How in this context so it also means How do you call yourself?

Mucho gusto – “moo-choh goos-toh” = Nice to meet you. Individually Mucho means a lots whereas gusto means pleasure. All combined means Nice to meet you.

Práctica = Practice

A: Hola (Hello)

B: Hola (Hello)

A: ¿Cómo te llamas? (What is your name?)

B: Me llamo Vic (My name is Vic).

¿Cómo te llamas? (What is your name?)

A: Me llamo Hellene (My name is Hellene).

Mucho gusto (Nice to meet you)

B: Mucho gusto (Nice to meet you)

Learning spanish with me

¿co´mo te llama? : What is your name?

ll as y so llama soulds like yama.

Me llamo Vic. : My name is Vic.

Me sound like Mei and llamo sound like yamo.

Mucho gusto: It is nice meeting you.

Buenos di´as: Good morning

Buenas tardes: Good afternoon

Buenas noches: Good evening/Good night

Learning Spanish with me

¿Hola: Hello!

in English, it sounds like ‘O-la’, with a silent ‘H’

¿Que tal?: How are you?

¿Que?: What?

¿Que?” would be voiced as “keh” in English.

Cómo estás?: How are you?

Cómo estás is our literal translation of how are youcómo is the Spanish question word meaning how, while estás means are you (or you are) .

Both ¿Que tal? and Cómo estás? have the same meaning as How are you?. Cómo estás is more formal than the former.

¿Hola! Cómo estás? : Hi! How are you?

¿Hola! ¿Que tal? : Hi! How areyou?