“Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen” is a short story written by O. Henry, first published in 1907. It is a heartwarming and humorous tale set around Thanksgiving, revolving around two characters: a wealthy man and a poor man. The story highlights the themes of kindness, generosity, and the spirit of Thanksgiving.
Plot Summary:
The story centers on a tradition between two men who meet every year on Thanksgiving Day. One of them, who is very rich, always looks forward to this day to share a meal with a beggar (the second man), who is poor and homeless. Each year, the wealthy man invites the beggar to have a Thanksgiving meal with him at a fancy restaurant, offering him an extravagant feast.
However, the twist in the story comes when, on one particular Thanksgiving, the beggar is determined not to take advantage of the situation. Instead of accepting the free meal, he insists on paying for his own food. Throughout their meeting, they share stories and enjoy each other’s company, but it is clear that both men are equally kindhearted.
- Generosity and Kindness: The story emphasizes the importance of giving, not just in material terms but also through human connection and respect.
- The Spirit of Thanksgiving: It highlights the idea that Thanksgiving is not just about the food but about the bonds between people and sharing moments of goodwill.
- Irony: O. Henry is known for his ironic endings, and this story has a twist that might make the reader reflect on the true meaning of giving and receiving.
“Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen” is a touching story about human compassion and the unexpected ways generosity can be expressed.
ironic (adj) sacastic