5 principles of patrolling

There is a nasty version of the acronym though not shown here:

The five principles of patrolling are: planning, reconnaissance, security, control, and common sense


route planning, objective planning, and contigencies planning.


gather info about the area of operation through observation and exploration


maintain awareness of potential threats and taking necessary precaution to protect the patrol from enermy.


Maintaining order and discipline within the patrol, making sure all memebers know their roles and responsibilities

common sense:

Applying sound judgement and adapting tactics based on the situation on the ground, being flexible in tactics

The last three principles are especially important during the patrol itself . Security means that every direction of enemy approach is guarded at all times , so the patrol is not caught off guard . Control means that there is clear communication and execution on information between every Soldier in the patrol . Common Sense is can mean anything from the KISS principle ( “ Keep it simple stupid . ” ) , to , “ Don ’ t follow a plan if it ’ s a bad plan . ”

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